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World Truck Driving Simulator 1.079 Apk + Mod (Money) + Data Android

World Truck Driving Simulator 1.079 Apk + Mod (Money) + Data Android

World Truck Driving Simulator Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 1.079
  • File size: 29 MB + 405 MB
  • Memorize:


World Truck Driving Simulator

Drive the world’s most famous trucks through challenging roads that will test all your driving skills, Feel the way trucker lives!


– Many trucks: Vehicles with power and different gears, including Brazilian, European and American models! (More Trucks will be added in the next updates)
– Skins for Trucks, Trailers and Drivers: Customize with your favorite painting!
– Realistic physics: Our team tested real vehicles and collected opinions from truckers to bring to the game a reality experience as close to reality for the players. We also include suspension in the cabin, movement of the mounds, movement of the antennas px, Change of adherence in the Track according to the type of terrain or in rainy day and many other news.
-Adjustment of steering sensitivity and different control types.
– Smoke realistic in the exhaust
– Automatic and manual gearbox
– Adjust the driver’s position in the cabin
– Simulation of the main functions of trucks, for example: two types of differential lock, motor brake, autopilot, arrows, alert, cleaners, high light, low light etc.
– Realistic graphics, with configuration options to run on weaker phones!
– Dangerous Roads: Take on the challenges and prove yourself a good driver through dangerous saws, dirt roads and many challenges!
– Large map of open world with several cities (the map of the game will also be expanded in the next updates)
– Various types of cargo including dry cargo, bi-train, etc. (more loads will be added soon!)
– Cycle day / night With beautiful visual!
– Rain and climate change!
– Leaderboards!
– System of achievements
– Report on the latest gains and expenses.
– Radars and fines
– People in companies
– Scales, toll booths, tax stations, gas stations and various other events in the game.
– Gps on Dashboard
– Driver’s license with the possibility of the player putting his photo. In it you will have the information of Level, fines, freights, km rotated and quantity of trucks, for you to share with friends!
The game will receive several updates over time, to always be bringing news to players!


New Truck Added! (American Truck)
New City added! (Goiania – GO)
New route added!


  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. com.dynamicgames.worldtruckdrivingsimulator” folder “android / obb” copy into.
  3. Enter the game.
World Truck Driving Simulator Apk

Download Now


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