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Spotify Premium APK + Mod (Cracked) Latest Android

Spotify Premium APK + Mod (Cracked) Latest Android

spotify music android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 30, 2019

  • Current Version:
  • File size: 31 MB | 32 MB | 24 MB
  • Memorize:

Spotify Music

Spotify Music  is now free on mobile and tablet. Listen to the right music, wherever you are.

With Spotify, you have access to a world of music. You can listen to artists and albums, or create your own playlist of your favorite songs. Want to discover new music? Choose a ready-made playlist that suits your mood or get personalized recommendations.

Listen for free on mobile

  • Play any artist, album, or playlist on shuffle mode

Listen for free on tablet

  • Play any song, any time

Spotify Premium features:

  • Play any song, any time on any device–mobile, tablet, or your computer
  • Download music for offline listening.
  • Enjoy amazing sound quality.
  • No ads – just uninterrupted music.
  • No commitment – cancel any time you like.


We’re always making changes and improvements to Spotify. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.

Spotify Hacked features:

  1. Unlimited skips
  2. Unlock repeating
  3. Unlock shuffling
  4. Unlock seeking
  5. Unlock track selection (Works)
  6. Bypass ads
  7. Bypass DRM

In order to block ads:
A) Be rooted.
B) Install AdAway.
C) Add or to your sources list.
D) You can try freezing/disabling ProxyHandler.
E) Profit?

This app has no advertisements.

How To Install ? (Beta Mod)

  1. Your Device Should Be Rooted in order to Activate Mod
  2. Uninstall any Previous Version of Spotify Music (Skip If Not Installed)
  3. Download and Install Beta MOD APK From The Links Given Below
  4. Open Spotify and Log In
  5. Download and Install Xposed Framework From The Links Given Below (Guide Included)
  6. Download and Install Spotify Skip APK From The Links Given Below
  7. Activate Spotify Skip Module
  8. Restart Your Device
  9. Done, Enjoy

How To Install ? (Final Mega Mod)

  1. Uninstall any Previous Version of Spotify Music (Skip If Not Installed)
  2. Download and Install Mega MOD APK From The Links Given Below.
  3. Done, Enjoy

Mod 1

Unlocked Spotify Connect
Seek FWD button added to information bar/tablet mod
Visual ads blocked
Audio ads blocked
Seeking enabled
Unlimited shuffle
Choose any song
Extreme audio unlocked
Repeats enabled
Note: Some server-side features require paid subscription

Mod 2

Based on Unlocked Mod (credits MrDude
Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load < improved result (23.7 MB total apk size
Disabled / Removed unwanted Receivers and Services
Analytics Disabled
All ads and services calls from activity removed
Google Play Services dependencies removed
Support for arm device only
Languages: En, Ru
Note: Some server-side features require paid subscription

Spotify Music

Download Now


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