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Elite SWAT – counter terrorist game 216 Apk + Mod for Android

Elite SWAT – counter terrorist game 216 Apk + Mod for Android

Elite SWAT - counter terrorist game Android thumb

    by Rexdl · March 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 216
  • File size: 87 MB | 86 MB
  • Memorize:


Elite SWAT - counter terrorist game

Online Multiplayer PvP Battle Mode is provided!!

SWAT Team got the intelligence that terrorists are planning a huge strike on lands.. As an elite shooter, you are firstly assigned this counter terrorist mission under the critical situation.

Terrorists are anti-government and anti-sociaty group. How will you defeat them in this counter-terrorist war? Regard this game an action game, but also take it as a strategy game! It needs you to make decision and then action! Elite S.W.A.T, are you ready to fight? We must success and protect these innocent citizens You should be more careful because those terrorists are trained and specialized, they are also equipped with powerful weapons. They kidnapped innocent citizens, threaten the safety of this city! These innocent citizens need SWAT’S rescue! Protection Duty of motherlands calls for your action! Combating these evil groups and keep the security of social.

Game Features – Ultra realistic graphics and epic effects – Custom-designed puzzles and missions – 2 control mode: automatic strike and manual strike – Distinctive Gameplay: third person shooter game – Tons of lethal GUNS and mortal WEAPONS – Maps specifically covers different locations: Big City, Misty Frost, Harbor, Secret Lab

Instructions for shooters
CUSTOMIZED WEAPONS & ARMORS: – WEAPONS include shotguns, sniper rifles, grenade, rocket launchers, flamethrowers – Various outpost guns: DESSERT EAGLE, AK47, P90, M134, SMAW-D83mm and etc – Guns’ attributes differs in damage, defense, healthy point, fire rate and clip size – ARMARS include shoes, pants, helmets, armors, gloves and so on. TIPS FOR Elite Shooter – Stay calm and be well equipped – Claim daily rewards and win mission trophies – Use powerful weapons to counter attack terrorists – Offline game, some additional functions may need network

【Feedback and ideas】 Elite SWAT is free for you to play, but there are in-game goods for you to purchase. Enjoy this Elite SWAT – counter terrorist game! Counter attack terrorists hardly and never be afraid! Survive in this counter terrorist game! Or be an elite outpost! If you love our game: Elite SWAT – counter terrorist game, please share with your friends and play together! Have fun together! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us via email:, Or join our shooting fans club on Facebook:


in this update:
⚔️ Minor fixes and stability improvements;
✔ Bug fixes.
Elite SWAT - counter terrorist game Apk

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