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War Robots 5.1.0 Apk + Mod + Data for Android

War Robots 5.1.0 Apk + Mod + Data for Android

walking war robots android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 29, 2019

  • Current Version: 5.1.0
  • File size: 58 MB | 36 MB | 637 MB
  • Memorize:

Walking War Robots

Get Ready for the Holidays with Google Play’s Festive Updates

War Robots is an action-packed multiplayer game with 6 vs. 6 team battles in real-time! 

It’s a time of war, pilot! Are you ready for surprise attacks, intricate tactical maneuvers and the many sneaky tricks your rivals have in store for you? Destroy enemy robots, capture all the beacons, and upgrade your weapons to increase combat strength, speed, and durability of your battle robot. Prove yourself in each map and use different strategies and tactics to emerge victorious from battle!

– 48 battle robots with different strengths;
– more than 50 weapon types, including ballistic missiles, energy and plasma guns. What will you choose?
– many possible combinations of robots and weapons. Create a war machine to fit your own play style;
– create your own clan and lead it to glorious victories;
– join epic PvP battles against rivals from all over the world;
– complete military tasks for bonuses and earn the Best Pilot title.

Onward, soldier! Victory is yours!

Want to talk about the game or find allies?
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Find all about WR on our Knowledge Base:

Important note: This application requires a stable internet connection.
Enjoy the game!


– MAJOR FEATURE: PILOTS. Human characters with stories and personalities — for the first time in War Robots!
– New Passive Module: Anticontrol. Protect yourself against Lock-down and Suppression!
– New Active Module: Advanced Repair Unit. Fix yourself quicker!
– New Active Module: Death Mark. Mark an enemy for your teammates to hit harder!
– Better HUD: New profile and post-combat screens, as well as advanced options for status effects indication


  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. com.pixonic.wwr” folder “android / obb” copy into.
  3. Enter the game.

Walking War Robots Apk

Download Now


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