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Sygic GPS Navigation 18.0.10 Cracked APK + DATA + MAPS Android

Sygic GPS Navigation 18.0.10 Cracked APK + DATA + MAPS Android

GPS Navigation Maps Sygic Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 18.0.10
  • File size: 32 MB + 159 MB
  • Memorize:

Sygic GPS Navigation Cracked APK + DATA + MAPS

Sygic is the world’s most installed offline GPS navigation app with real-time traffic for Android with free 3D offline maps from TomTom. Sygic offers the most accurate real-time traffic information with data collected from 500 million users world-wide, provided by global automotive, mobile operators, mapping & traffic information suppliers.

• Offline maps will reduce your cellular data usage, no internet is required
• Real-Time traffic helps you avoid traffic jams
• Police radar/speed camera warnings save your money and time
• Park easily with parking place suggestions and info about availability and prices
• Find cheapest gas based on your gas type
• Head-up Display (HUD) makes driving at night safer
• Tourist attractions & pedestrian navigation
• Real-time route sharing lets you share your planned route, estimated time of arrival & current position on a map
• Dynamic Lane Guidance & Junction View for safe lane changes
• Voice guided navigation with spoken street names
• Free map updates multiple times per year
• Dashcam that records even while you are navigating
• Millions of points of interest (POI) on the map

Whether you are travelling, commuting to work, or driving professionally Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps is your one map for everything.

Maps of all countries of the World from TomTom and other providers
• Europe, Russia
• North & South America
• Africa
• Asia & Middle East
• Australia, New Zealand

Please note that some features may not be available in all territories. Maps from TomTom and other providers.

You can test drive all features available in the most popular Premium + Traffic license for the first 7 days after installation. After 7 days you can continue using the basic features or upgrade to the Lifetime Premium license.

Need help? Please visit we are here for you 7 days a week.
If you love our app, please leave a review. You will let others know how the app is, motivate our developers and help us improve our work. Thank you for your support.

Note: Sharing videos from Dashcam is forbidden by law in following countries: Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain.


Map update
Up-to date maps with the most recent roads and places

Setup: for Android -4.4

  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. sygic” folder “Emulated/0/” copy into.
  3. Enter the Sygic.

Setup: for Android +4.4

  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. ““Android”,”Maps”,”Res” folders “Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files” copy into.
  3. Enter the Sygic.

Download Now


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