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SD Maid – System Cleaning Tool 4.14.16 Apk + MOD (Patched) Android

SD Maid – System Cleaning Tool 4.14.16 Apk + MOD (Patched) Android

SD Maid – System Cleaning Tool Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 29, 2019

  • Current Version: 4.14.6
  • File size: 8 MB
  • Memorize:

SD Maid – System Cleaning Tool

Free direct download last version SD Maid – System Cleaning Tool Apk Android from Rexdl. This is a powerful tool! Use at own risk!

Nobody is perfect and Android neither.
Apps you have already deleted, sometimes leave data behind.
The system constantly creates logs, crash reports and debug files you don’t really need.
Your SD-card is collecting files and directories you don’t recognize.
Lets not go on here…

Why not get a maid to clean it all up?
SD Maid will help you keep your device neat, clean and tidy :-)!

Give it a try, you won’t find a more thorough cleaning tool!

Choose a tab, press start and then either click a single item to delete or press the clean all button. It’s just that easy.

There are various features available:

  • Explorer is a full fledged filemanager, use it to crawl through your Androids files.
  • You can use the Searcher if you know what file you are looking for.
  • The CorpseFinder searches your device for orphaned items and compares those to the list of installed applications.
  • AppControl lets you freeze, reset and remove applications (even system apps).
  • The SystemCleaner scans your device and filters directories which contain unnecessary files. You an even create your own filters!
  • You can optimize and shrink bloated databases to speed up access and free space.
  • View your biggest files and find out what is hogging all the space.
  • Find files that have been modified in the last X minutes.
  • And more…

A few additional features as well as comfort and convenience functions can be unlocked by buying and installing the unlocker (SD Maid Pro).

SD Maid is constantly being developed and designed very carefully.
Due to the vast amount of Android devices SD Maid might not work perfectly on your device, in that case I would appreciate it if you give me a chance to fix it by contacting me.
If you have questions or concerns send me a mail ( I usually respond quite quickly and will happily help you out.

Obtaining SD Maid from unofficial sources puts your device at risk.

A big thanks goes out to all the beta testers @ who helped me improve SD Maid v3.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers @ that made SD Maid accessible to non english speaking users by translating it.

An unfinished help document is avaiable here:


• Improved ACS based deletion speed
• Small UI improvements


Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load < improved result (2.53 MB total apk size)
Encrypted all resources
Languages: En, Ru


– Removed all languages except English and Russian
– Compression graphics
– Zipalign
– Icon in PixelUI style

SD Maid – System Cleaning Tool Apk

Download Now


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