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Puzzledom – classic puzzles all in one 7.5.8 Apk + Mod Android

Puzzledom – classic puzzles all in one 7.5.8 Apk + Mod Android

Puzzledom Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 31, 2019

  • Current Version: 7.5.8
  • File size: 41 MB | 37 MB
  • Memorize:


Collection of
the best and most addictive logic puzzles
with minimalism graphics and unique level design!

Puzzledom” merged best puzzles like Connect, Tangram, Plumber, Blocks, Rolling Ball, One Stroke, Box, Rope, Lazors and Escape which are easy to learn and fun to master into ONE game collection.
As a puzzle lover, you don’t need spending much time on searching new brain teasers any more. We will give you a ONE-STOP game experience from now on!

“Puzzledom” collection currently has:
★★ Connect ★★
Connect is a simple game involving connecting dots with same color. When you draw the lines, please make sure the lines don’t cross over each other. All the space should be filled.

★★ Blocks ★★
Blocks is a classic puzzle that you need to fill the entire board with different shapes of blocks. You just drag the right block, move it onto the board and match the right place. It’s a perfect logic game for brain training.

★★ Rolling Ball ★★
Rolling ball is a path guiding game that you need to slide the blocks to create a channel which makes the white ball move from the start point to the end point.

★★ Escape ★★
Escape is a well known game called Chinese Sliding-Block. The goal is moving the red block to the exit. This game will test your observation skills.

★★ MORE puzzles coming soon★★
We are now working hard on developing new challenging puzzle games. Puzzledom will be the king of brain teasers!

• Tons of manually designed levels
Over 8000 free levels inside and more funny levels are under development.

• Easy but Funny game play
We only put best puzzles inside which will make you can not stop once start playing.

• Minimalism graphics
The art design is simple but beautiful. It’s a game for all ages.

• Playing the game with your FRIENDS
We will support online rank list soon! You can challenge your friends by achievement and leader board.

• No time limit
Unlike match 3 games, puzzledom has no time limit. You can play it anytime even with no WIFI. You can use hints to unblock obstacles when you feel struggled in some levels.

Enjoy the game with your family 😉
If you have some good ideas about Puzzledom, please send us an email in the game!


1.Fix some minors
2.Optimize the game play
Puzzledom Apk

Download Now


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