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Photo Lab PRO Picture Editor 3.6.2 (Full) Apk Android

Photo Lab PRO Picture Editor 3.6.2 (Full) Apk Android Lab PRO Photo Editor Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 3.6.2
  • File size: 25 MB
  • Memorize: Lab PRO Photo Editor

Enhance your photos with over 640 beautiful frames, effects, filters or montages! Lab PRO is an easy, quick and fun photo editor. You don’t need to be a Photoshop ninja to make any photo funny and any portrait beautiful. Just pick a filter, frame or montage to use, then choose which image to process, and that’s it! Lab PRO will do all the hard work to let you sit back, relax and get all the honor.

Please note that Lab is an Internet-based application. It helps us keep your devices’ memory free from tons of resources required to create high-quality artworks of your photos. Lab PRO has something to amend virtually any picture. It’s up to you which of photo editor superpowers to choose:

  • photo montages to get your portrait on a vintage postcard or a birthday cake
  • photo frames to surround a picture with fantastic landscapes, lifelike scenes or cute cartoon characters
  • face in hole effects to become Iron Man, Darth Vader or Mona Lisa
  • photo collages to stitch together dozens and hundreds of pictures
  • photo filters to add a happy or a nostalgic mood to pictures
  • magazine covers to make you an icon of Playboy or Vogue or put you on the cover of Forbes
  • text editor to add messages and create greeting cards
  • other photo effects such as headwear, celebrity collages, monsters and more!

Some of tools to process your photos which are exclusive to the PRO version include:

  • stylized photo effects to make your pictures look like a vintage card or retro film
  • artistic filters to turn your photos into elegant drawings or paintings
  • human-to-animal montages to give your face to a lion, cat or koala
  • background effects to change surrounding of your photo into a dreamlike scenery.

The PRO version is also free of ads and watermarks and processed your photos much faster.

After you process an image with the Lab photo editor you can share the result via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks you love. Or you can upload resulting pictures to our servers to get short links and send them as personal messages or emails.

New photo frames and photo filters are added with each update. If you didn’t find a particular photo montage or collage, contact the team and you might see it in the next version of Lab PRO. We love hearing from our users and we aim to make Lab PRO the best photo editor on Google Play! Lab PRO will change your life forever!*
* Lab PRO may or may not change your life but you’re totally going to love it!


Great news for all pet lovers (and not only)!

Let your pet become Photo Lab’s feed superstar! Check out new effects in the ‘Photo Props for Pets’ category.

Crown yourself with ‘Cats N Roses Crown’. Go to ‘Headwear’ for the effect.

Need new combos? Mix six new trendy effects from ‘Color & Lighting Filters’ and rock the Feed.

Check out two new templates from ‘Face Montages’ and turn your selfie into a masterpiece.

Awaken your inner dragon with our new ‘Photo Props’ effect. Apk

Download Now


  1. Thank you for the amazing info you share with us! Best, love a good book list, and this is a great one with some I’ve read, some I’ve looked into and many I hadn’t heard of before. The kindle is going to feel a little data heavy soon…
    Photo Lab Pro Thanks you


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