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Last Shelter Survival 1.250.126 Apk + MOD (Full) + Data for Android

Last Shelter Survival 1.250.126 Apk + MOD (Full) + Data for Android

Last Shelter Survival Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 1.250.126
  • File size: 103 MB + 89 MB
  • Memorize:

Last Shelter Survival

-Commander! Lots of Zombies are arriving. Human’s last shelter asks for your rescue!

[For Survival]

The Zombie Virus got spread everywhere. Human are at high risk of turning into walking deads . We have to insure enough Supplies to survive in the Zombie world. Things get worse as the dark night approaches. As Commander, your main duty is to shelter your people! Please lead the Shelter Population to survival. Resist Zombies and Rebuild the Humanity’s Home!

[Rebuild Shelter]
Surviving is only the first step. You have to rebuild your City again.
Roads are important for connecting Cities
Urban planning is clever strategy to develop big cities . Plan your City development with reason to increase its operation efficiency. Let your wisdom shine!

[Searching for followers]
Resque Survivors from all over the world on the Big World Map. They will be your own followers and will fight by your side ! Build up an Alliance, Rally Forces to resist Zombies together. Protect your Allies from being plundered.

[Economic Trade]
In War Z World, Supplies are a major key to development. The Trade Helicopter will get you the opportunity to trade supplies for free.follow a clever strategy to Restore Supplies to receive Resources you need for your city construction and development.

-Z Organization has received your SOS. A Commander will be sent at once, hold up!


– New Class, The Builder
– All new Class Change system
– During presidency, appoint managers to take control over the nation

#Legion March
– Legion March is here for Doomsday Conquest! Rally your forces, for glory!

#Clash of Zones
– A new season of Competition is here
– Badges can now be shown off

#Doomsday Conquest New Season
– New Heroes, New Specialties

– Optimized Interfaces

– Japanes Voice Lines are here


  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2.” folder “android / obb” copy into.
  3. Enter the game.

Last Shelter Survival Apk

Download Now


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