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Kill Shot Bravo 6.2 Apk + MOD (Ammo/No Sway) for Android

Kill Shot Bravo 6.2 Apk + MOD (Ammo/No Sway) for Android


    by Rexdl · May 29, 2019

  • Current Version: 6.2
  • File size: 96 MB
  • Memorize:

Unlimited Ammo

Kill Shot Bravo

Welcome to the premier first person shooter experience for mobile phones and tablets. It is time to load out your weapons and get your 5-star FPS fix!

Arm yourself with deadly assassin sniper weapons, assault rifles, machine guns and the latest military gear to complete covert combat missions deep inside enemy territory!



Trained as a Special Forces soldier you will navigate secret missions across the globe, eliminating hostile forces that stand in the way of a peaceful world.

  • From guerrilla combat in jungle mountain ranges, to recon missions on Mediterranean islands, you’ll travel the world in search of terror threats.
  • Commandeer vehicles to turn the tide of battle! Navigate close quarter combat down narrow alleys in the back of a jeep, or take out hostile threats by air in hazardous helicopter missions!
  • Complete breach missions to enter occupied buildings and clear them of any threat! Survive a full on enemy attack in multiplayer assault missions and outshoot your opponent.
  • Move through environments to find the best sniper vantage points and take the all-important Kill Shot!

Visit more classified locations in your hunt to eliminate enemy threats. You are the frontline of battlefield defense against the most dangerous threats to world security!

  • Encounter different enemy types each with their own strengths and combat objectives.
  • Seek out and neutralize Flying Drones, Exo-Suit Soldiers, Mechs, Heavy Gunners, Enemy RPGs, Marksmen, Riflemen, and Commando Bombers.


  • Test your skill against other real snipers in live ranked Player Verses Player matches in PVP mode!
  • Be the hunter before you are the hunted!
  • Use your heat meter to zone in on the enemy threat.
  • Find your target. Take aim. Fire!


  • This time you won’t be fighting alone! Build powerful alliances with other players and help each other to be successful completing the high risk missions.
  • Discover and kill enemies with bounties on their heads before they can escape!
  • Friends can join you on missions, spotting the targets and assisting you to terminate enemies.
  • Full Chat function in game to allow tactical discussions with other players.


  • Customize your avatar and get Perks to help in the battle!
  • Unlock and equip cool Gear, including helmets, uniforms, body armour, goggles, facemasks, gloves, boots, and more.
  • Get a fresh Kill Shot moment with every victory! Now YOU get to control the Kill Shot camera as the final round zooms towards its target for the ultimate hit!


  • Compete for high scores alone or with your Alliance against opposing Alliances.
  • Earn Achievements for showing off your deadly sniper skills.
  • Take on weekly Quests to win additional prizes and achievements

Kill Shot is rated 17+ and contains frequent/intense realistic violence. By downloading this app you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of Hothead’s Terms of Use ( and are subject to Hothead’s Privacy Policy (

©2015 Hothead Games Inc., Hothead, and Kill Shot are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hothead Games Inc., all rights reserved.


Critical Strike: Throwing Shade
A thriving, peaceful metropolis held hostage by a militant terror cell? This sounds like a job for you – and a whole bunch of guns!

The Black Eclipse returns from obscurity with a vengeance, toting all the latest weapons of war. You’ve dealt with them in the past, but this time they’ll be ready.


* Guitar bullet skin – turn up the audio!

* Global Ops changes – introducing new tiers of competition

Kill Shot Bravo Android

Kill Shot Bravo Apk

Kill Shot Bravo New

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