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Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 323541 Apk + Mod for Android

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 323541 Apk + Mod for Android

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 31, 2019

  • Current Version: 323541
  • File size: 100 MB | 98 MB
  • Memorize:

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast

Battle the legions of darkness across time and space as otherworldly anti-hero ‘Eddie’, in an epic turn-based fantasy RPG.

Collect, power up and evolve incredible champions to form the ultimate fighting team – battle through multiple worlds, defeat giant bosses, rebuild Eddie’s shattered soul and save the universe!

Warrior, Magus, Sentinel, Gunner or Assassin. 5 different classes and 100’s of characters to collect. Defeat corrupted enemies, turn them to your side and create incredible teams!

Eddies come in many shapes and forms, each featuring their own unique set of powers and abilities, including; Cyborg, Mummy, Trooper, Vampire, Viking, Samurai, Bounty Hunter and many more!

Prepare for Eddie Vs Eddie in the ultimate face-off! Put your strongest teams to the test against other players and fight for death or glory as you duke it out to gain valuable prizes and supplies.

Collect unique resources to upgrade and evolve your team, enabling strategic gameplay to counter the enemy. Over 40 different ‘Talisman’ sets to pick and choose additional abilities for your characters!

Explore the furthest reaches of a sprawling universe, from the depths of underworld to ancient Egypt, past battlefields, an enchanted forest and beyond, all set in stunning 3D environments.

Features the incredible sound of Iron Maiden, with an epic soundtrack especially prepared for the game.

– IMPORTANT Minimum requirement: 768MB Ram, 1GB+ recommended
– Minimum Android OS: 4.1 or newer
– Minimum screen resolution: 800×480
– Recommended: Android device manufactured in 2014 or newer
– Requires online connection to play

Why is Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast free to play?
We want every Iron Maiden fan and every mobile gamer to be able to enjoy our game! You can fully enjoy the game without ever spending a penny! You can battle it out, earning every piece of of the game through sheer victory on the battlefield, or you can speed up your progress by purchasing Ironite in the Vault.


Update includes:
Corrected minor issue with Team Decks
New Feature! The first Frontier Keys are officially live. Use Keys to unlock Daily and Weekly Challenge Dungeons for valuable rewards!
New introductory cinematic
Simplified Inventory Sorting
Claim All’ Button added to Fragments screen
Stability improvements and minor bug fixes
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast Apk

Download Now


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