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Download Golf Blitz 1.5.1 (FULL) APK for ANDROID

Download Golf Blitz 1.5.1 (FULL) APK for ANDROID

Golf Blitz Android thumb

    by Rexdl · May 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 1.5.1
  • File size: 82 MB
  • Memorize:

Golf Blitz

⛳️ An intense real-time multiplayer golf battle!

You’ve never played golf like this before! Team up, challenge your friends or play online against the world to get to the top of the clubhouse.

Play on some of the most wildly creative courses ever imagined. Customize your golfer and pack your bag with all sorts of power-ups like sticky balls, grenades, lasers and more.

Golf Blitz is an entirely new way to play the outrageously fun multiplayer Race Mode from Super Stickman Golf. No cheaters. No slowpokes. ALL BLITZ!

• Compete: Play in real-time 4-person multiplayer races to the hole! Earn trophies to get to the top of the global leaderboard.
• Show-off: Over 6,500 combinations of fun golfer avatars and memorable hats!
• Team Up: Chat with your buds, play friendly matches, get your own team leaderboard and trade cards!
• Power-Up: Golf Blitz includes 12 unique balls all with their own upgradeable level system and special gameplay effects
• Upgrade: Earn XP to level up your golfer’s skill set to best suit your play style
• Spectate: Like to watch? Stream live matches from all over the world to learn from the pros.

Golf Blitz requires a network connection to play


– You can now exchange gems for cards in the Shop
– Added Tips to the Matchmaking Screen
– Added a Prompt and Alert to secure your account
– Added Recover Account button to the Create Account Page for returning players
– Separate notification toggle for Free Pack Ready
– Notification For Card Trade Available
– Resorted Golfer Page so Ready To Unlock is at the top
– Added social links to Settings Popup
– Sped up cold boot time
– Fixed some bugs and improved performance
Golf Blitz Apk

Download Now


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