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Township 6.6.0 Apk Mod Money for Android

Township 6.6.0 Apk Mod Money for Android

township android thumb

    by Rexdl · April 29, 2019

  • Current Version: 6.6.0
  • File size: 96 MB | 97 MB
  • Memorize:

Unlimited Money

Online Game

township android

Township is a unique blend of city-building and farming experience for your tablet and phone!

Share your vision of a perfect place to live in! Harvest crops on the farm, run processing facilities and sell goods to develop your town. Explore the mine to get resources and sail to distant islands for exotic products. Open cafes, cinemas and other community buildings to encourage social life. Are you ready to build your dream?

Enjoy these features:

  • Use the variety of community buildings and decorations to create the town of your dreams
  • Grow organic crops on your farm and process them on factories
  • Charismatic and fun characters with quirky personalities brighten up the life of your town
  • Collect ancient artifacts by exploring the mine in your town
  • Raise animals and grow your farming land
  • Sail to distant islands to get exotic products
  • Build the famous landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben and many others!
  • Make changes to the landscape to suit your architectural needs

Township is completely free to download and play. Some in-game items can also be purchased for real money, however this is optional and not required for an EXCEPTIONAL GAMING EXPERIENCE.

A network connection is required to play

Questions? Contact


* Set records in a flying competition starting on March 22!
* Start looking for Easter bunnies on April 12!
* Enjoy thematic decorations during events.
* Race in the Age of Knights regatta season starting on April 9.
* Tool Exchange at Level 60.
* New community building Animal Hospital at Level 84.
* Town expansion.
New resident—young Neil.
* 2 animal families.
* 2 decorations.
Improved design of game windows and buttons.

Setup: Without need Data

  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. Enter the game.

Download Now


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