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Revenant Knight 1.0.20 Apk + Mod + Data for Android

Revenant Knight 1.0.20 Apk + Mod + Data for Android

Revenant Knight Android thumb

    by Rexdl · April 28, 2019

  • Current Version: 1.0.20
  • File size: 40 MB + 141 MB
  • Memorize:


Revenant Knight

If you want to check your skills,
Try it right away.

* Please check the manual.
You can use various techniques, such as ‘Jump’, ‘Block’, ‘Avoid’, and ‘Power Attack’.
* By touching the camera control lever, the viewpoint is fixed to the enemy.
You can more easily set the attack direction.


A Resurrection after death.
There are a Knight and a Tombstone of a Lady
in the Delusion of space.
When the Night falls with the sound of wheels,
those who are drawn to the Tombstone come close, and
the Knight spends the Night fighting against them alone.
The Night the death continues and continues…


The game will be played only with your skill. No Level up. No Equipment!
There is an option to lower the difficulty. But, don’t expect too much of that.
If you are absent-minded, the weakest enemy can take your life away.
36 types of enemy in 77 stages will try to kill you.
14 bosses are also waiting for a fierce battle with you.
Besides, the game have multiple endings. So, we recommend you to do more than one replay.
We needed hundreds of deaths to clear this game, because our skill was not good.
We think you can clear the game even more easily.
The basic controller follows the gamepad.


This game is offline game.
There is no way to transfer your save data to another phone.

facebook :


The sword & shield has been added!
You can use “Grudge” to get that weapon.The “Get Magic” menu has been improved further.

For more than 2th journey, the difficulty level of the monster has been increased.


  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. com.entwell.rk_org” folder “android / obb” copy into.
  3. Enter the game.
Revenant Knight Apk

Download Now


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