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Nomads of the Fallen Star 1.00 Full Apk for Android

Nomads of the Fallen Star 1.00 Full Apk for Android

Nomads of the Fallen Star Android thumb

    by Rexdl · April 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 1.00
  • File size: 29 MB
  • Memorize:


Nomads of the Fallen Star

IMPORTANT: Minimum supported display size is 5.5 inches (6+ is optimal). Requires a device that supports at least Full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution and at least 1.5GB RAM.


Set on a distant uncharted & hostile planet, where descendants of a crashed colony ship endure the harsh wasteland while hoping for salvation.

However, decades have passed without contact from the fleet and skirmishes between different factions over limited resources have escalated.

A full blown war of conquest looms on the horizon that could risk humanity’s fragile existence on this harsh new world.

As the chaos approaches, you take the role as the leader of a rag-tag bunch of scavengers / mercenaries. Your goal is to scavenge, trade, sabotage, hunt, fight and help conquer your way to fame and glory.

Along the journey, you will meet allies that will join in the struggle to survive the wasteland, and perhaps together, you can unravel the mystery on the origins of the colony and change the fate of all those who call this barren world home.


* A world where your choices matters as the factions try to survive and wage wars of conquest.

* A highly dynamic economic simulation ensures not only your actions carry consequences and present new opportunities, but also the actions of various NPCs.

* Competitive gameplay that involves other free roaming NPC scavengers that fulfill the same role as the player. They can trade, scavenge resources, take on missions, and fight hostile raiders or xenos. Competition can be fierce, so beware!

* Recruit and equip your squad with many different weapons, each providing a unique balance and tactical options. Train their combat skills as they gain levels, and specialize them further with a selection of many perks.

* Hunt the xenobeasts on this hostile world and use their skin, carapace, and organs in crafting useful items and armor.

* A sandbox that is also character & story-driven, with an sci-fi story themed on loss, duty and personal responsibility, along with side-quests and random encounters.

Additional Notes:

I am a solo developer and I lack the resources to support other languages, as such, the game is English only.

The game uses tooltips extensively, this is toggled by the [?] icon on the lower right, changing the effect of your tap between Info vs Action.

If you run into issues or want to contact me, I can be reached via email ( or twitter (@AH_Phan).


If you don’t like the game and can’t get Google to refund, please email me with the purchase ID and I will gladly refund manually.


Release version 1.00
Nomads of the Fallen Star Apk

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