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Mobfish Hunter 3.8.5 Apk + Mod Money for Android

Mobfish Hunter 3.8.5 Apk + Mod Money for Android

Mobfish Hunter Android thumb

    by Rexdl · April 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 3.8.5
  • File size: 68 MB
  • Memorize:


Mobfish Hunter Mod

Grenades in Your Tackle Box?!

Getting hooked on “Mobfish Hunter” fishing game is like shooting fish in a barrel! 50% Bulldog, 50% Piranha, 100% Addictive!

Set in the year 2020, after the greedy Autocracy has stripped the world of rare Earth elements, disastrous pollution has wreaked havoc on our once-beautiful oceans. Now the world’s fish have mutated into dangerous new species known as Mobfish. To combat these vicious critters, a new class of Mobfish Hunters emerged – and it’s up to you to rise through their ranks. Trick-out your fishing lures with a variety of projectile and melee weapons to rid the seas of Mobfish and become a champion Hunter.

✔ Set in the Mobfish Hunter world, each zone includes its own species of Mobfish and challenging hazards.
✔ Quarantine Zone with over 110 levels and more to come.
✔ Nine Crazy Weapons: Spend the loot awarded for successful fishing expeditions to upgrade a variety of Sea-Mine lures with spinning blades, spread-shot projectiles and heat-seeking abilities.
✔ 60 Power-Chip variations and over 50,000 combinations of playing style.
✔ Customizable Utilities: Plumb the inky depths with three additional utilities that allow your Sea-Mine to dive deeper, move more quickly, and illuminate murky waters.
✔ Helpful Companion: Befriend a creature that helps you kill Mobfish and collect coins!
✔ Six Leaderboards: See where you rank among Mobfish Hunters locally, regionally and all over the world.
✔ 30 Achievements: Test your hunting skills and expand your collection of rare Mobfish, as you work to complete these rewarding challenges.
✔ Facebook Integration: Invite Facebook friends and compete for high scores.
✔ All progress can be synced across multiple platforms and devices.


Version 3.8.5
– Fixed missing Power Chips issue for some players
Mobfish Hunter Apk

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