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English Grammar Book Offline 4.14 [Ad-Free] Apk for Android

English Grammar Book Offline 4.14 [Ad-Free] Apk for Android

English Grammar Book Offline Android thumb

    by Rexdl · April 30, 2019

  • Current Version: 4.14
  • File size: 5 MB
  • Memorize:

English Grammar Book Offline

English Grammar app offline is the best way to improve your English grammar skills. This English Grammar Book Offline helps you to learn the rules of grammar in english language. This can be done more easily by practicing the grammar exercise and taking the regular grammar test in this grammar app.

This English Grammar learning app helps you improve your grammar skills on daily basis. This Grammar app is the best english learning app offline for android phone. This english grammar book free is available at free of cost.

If you are looking for an offline grammar book or english grammar offline app, this English Grammar app is the right choice for you. This grammar english is mainly designed for students, prospective candidates for competitive exams, beginning stage of english learners.

This learn english offline app makes your communication skills efficient in both spoken and written English language.

21 grammar topics of this english grammar book:

1. Parts of speech
2. Phrases
3. Clauses
4. Singular and Plural verbs
5. Tenses
6. Degrees of Comparison
7. Simple, Compound and Complex
8. Active and Passive Voice
9. Articles
10. Prepositions
11. Sentence Pattern
12. Question Tags
13. Prefixes and Suffices
14. Infinitive and Gerund
15. Participle
16. Homophones
17. British English and American English
18. Derivatives
19. Compound words
20. Blending words
21. Figures of speech

This offline apps grammer helps to improve your vocabulary and english grammar skills. This grammar offline contains Basic English Grammar rules, examples and exercises.

Main Features of English Grammar app / Grammar Offline app:

Improves your english grammar and vocabulary skills by using this education apps for students.

You can attend the test in daily wise, random wise and topic wise by using english grammar book offline apps.

You can use this learn english offline without internet.

This english grammer app improves English conversation skills and vocabulary.

The learn english offline/grammar english is mainly for beginning english learners.

English Grammar offline app has the following Sessions:

Lessons : 

In this english learning app offline, the session ‘lessons’ has many topics, which is explained briefly. This session explains more types of rules with examples.


In this english grammar book free, the practice session has more topics in which you can choose your related topics. Each section contains multiple choice questions and after attending the test, you can view your result.

Test Levels :

This grammar app contains Test levels session which has four types of test like general test, random test, daily test and online test. You can choose topic wise test in general test. The random test takes question randomly in topic wise. You can set time and questions limit for your daily test.

Study Plan :

In this english grammar learning app, study plan session has explained the study schedule in topic wise with a few minutes.

This English Grammar app is used for beginner, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels of english grammar learner.

English Grammar app offline mainly focuses on to learn english grammar and structure of the sentences. So you can learn how to form the correct sentence with correct tense by using this english grammar practice app offline .

This english learning app is also called as english grammar practice app offline, english grammar app offline, english grammar learning app, english learning app offline, english grammar book free, grammar english ap, etc


****** 4.14 *****
1. Minor Bugs Fixed
English Grammar Book Offline Apk

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