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Among the Stars 1.5.4 Apk + Mod Unlocked for Android

Among the Stars 1.5.4 Apk + Mod Unlocked for Android

Among the Stars Android thumb

    by Rexdl · March 31, 2019

  • Current Version: 1.5.4
  • File size: 71 MB | 72 MB
  • Memorize:


Among the Stars Apk Mod

Among the Stars is a digital version of a highly acclaimed board game & a 2015 Origins Awards Best Card Game Nominee.

Imagine a distant future. A once peaceful galaxy has been torn apart by war. Alien races fight for power and dominance. And then a new threat appears on the horizon, with the potential to wipe them all out. In the face of this new enemy all races must make peace and unite to survive. You represent one of those races. Your goal is to help build space stations throughout the galaxy, to help promote trade among the races, strengthen diplomatic relations and help defeat the new threat you all face. However, your most important task is to make your space station the greatest of them all. Among The Stars will allow you to select locations through card drafting, and use them to build your station, scoring victory points based on the placement. Construction lasts four years, and the alien race with the most points at the end wins.


Build your base in space! Use your cards to build new modules for your space station. Choose your cards carefully. If you do not use a card your opponent may do so. Do you want to build a location so it benefits your station or simply because you do not want your opponents have it?


Manage the power reactors across your space station. It is crucial to plan ahead and build enough power reactors to sustain the expanding base. Power reactors have short range so you need to layout your base cleverly to maximize the power usage.


There are five different location types. Balancing the station is the key to the victory. By careful planning and taking advantage of card abilities you can create amazing combinations that will bring you ahead of your opponents. Over 120 card locations guarantee high replayability and a lot of strategic depth.


Each race has a unique skill that can be used to snap the victory from your opponents. Using race skills forces you to change the style of your play slightly and adds another layer of complexity to your decision making process.


Objectives are another way to gain advantage over your opponents. You can play it safe and ignore them but you can risk it and try to claim the objective for additional reward.


Enjoy a single player challenge based campaign. All campaign missions alter the rules of the base game in a unique way. Every mission requires different strategy to bring you the victory.

– A digital version of a highly acclaimed board game
– A unique single player campaign
– A card drafting mechanic combined with physical card layout with 120 cards
– 8 different races, each with their own skill
– A cross platform asynchronous online multiplayer and local multiplayer for 3 to 4 players
– Challenging AI opponents
– 8 miscellaneous objectives helping you to get advantage over your opponents
– Leaderboards, in game manual and tutorial for newcomers


– Fix navigation in mission description screen
Among the Stars Apk

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